Biedermeier Gypsy Card.

Biedermeier Fortune Telling Deck or cartomancy deck by Piatnik #1904. These 32 beautifully illustrated Biedermeier cards have wonderful images and descriptions in 6 languages including English





Biedermeier Fortune Telling Deck or cartomancy deck by Piatnik #1904. These 32 beautifully illustrated Biedermeier cards have wonderful images and descriptions in 6 languages including English. The cards are made in Austria. Also, a little white booklet with layouts and explanations is included.

This elegant Biedermeier tarot deck is illustrated with classic fortune-telling scenes from the 19th Century. Published by Piatnik. The boxed deck includes a small instruction booklet in English, German, French, and Hungarian.


PRICE: $350.00AUD

The price includes delivery.

Biedermeier Tarot Cards



The ancient texts of Tantra reveal the secrets of the cosmic creation, using the metaphor of the Union or the Wedding. This is not just lovemaking, but a symbolic representation of the process of bringing together the fundamental forces and elements of nature. The Union is also called Pilu-AlAna in Sanskrit, or Phylacteries in Greek, meaning the protectors of truth. The Union involves the fusion of Atum and Ra, the smallest particles of matter and energy, which gave birth to new forms of existence. The Union is also known as Yukti and labh, meaning skill, as it shows the mathematical principles and the benefits of creation. The Union is the origin of our Solar System, planets, and all lifeforms.

The Wedding is a term that refers to the union of the human and the divine, which is also called dharmavid, meaning the knowledge of the cosmic law. This knowledge is expressed in the ancient principle of Tattva, or the universal truth, that was inscribed on the temple of Apollo in Greece. The principle advises people to Know Thyself, to discover their inner source of creation. It also warns people to avoid Nothing in Excess, to maintain a balanced life and to resist extremism.
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The Meaning of Zigeuner.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Zigeuner, Cigany, and Gitano are derived from the most ancient language Sanskrit, and are composed of two words; atini-gaNita; translating to very skillful mathematics. This Sanskrit word with the wrong pronunciation became; tsigan, tigan, zingaro, zigeuner, gitana, etc... and they all mean the same, mathematics.

The other name used by the Phoenicians is Roma. Its origin is again derived from the Sanskrit language, from Ra-ma. Ra has many meanings; it translates to fire (which was stolen by Prometheus). Ra also means y-axis, one of the three Axes in a three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system. Together with Ra-ma (ma=bound, measure), the word speaks about our origin, the spark that started life. Rama appears in the bible as RAMA or RAMAH ("an elevated spot".) 1. In Benjamin (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:18).

Therefore, Sanskrit is the language of RA-Ma, the language of YHVH from Sanskrit; the One who Expended into the Universe, the Elevated spot which is equal to 0, and appears in Tarot as the Fool. The thieves named it as such, believing they were smarter than the Universe. After all, they got away with theft for thousands of years. The other reason for 0 being a fool is that they thought 0 was empty. It is not. Zero comprises 3, in religion, we know these three as Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Read more >>

The Romani people were enslaved around 2550 - 2490 B.C., and taken by different people into Europe for labor. For example, they were taken to be slaves by the Persians, later on by the Romans, who spread them all over Europe. But the first enslavement happened by the Spartans. SpardhA is a Sanskrit word and it translates to Emulators since they copied the Phoenician way of life in a very distorted version. Later the Phoenicians were taken to be slaves with Greeks together by Attila to Hungary and hidden away from the world as 'Gypsy Thiefs'.

Yet it was their knowledge stolen, and their highly advanced civilization burned down. Even that wasn't enough. They keep them in ignorance and make them forget who they are, where they come from, and that their language is Sanskrit. They were killed out in Europe between 2009-2017. It was a silent genocide. In their place today are identity thieves, who take the name of dead people, with forged documents. Europe today is run by corrupt billionaires and gangs, dealing drugs, pedophiles, human trafficking, forced labor, etc.

The name Gypsy has an entirely different meaning to Zigeuner.

Gypsy comes from England, where a group of people ask permission to stay. They claimed to be from Little Egypt, carrying forged documents to be pilgrims, allowing them safe passage through Europe. Where is Little Egypt? Since the Macedonians ruled Egypt for a while, they named their country Little Egypt. Therefore, Gypsy means someone from Macedonia.

However, it is likely a made-up story, among the many others, such as history itself.

Why tarot was forbidden by the church? Because it contains ancient secrets, included in the Bible. What are they? For example, Solomon Temple is no other but the card of the House, and the House is representing you. The other secret is the Arc of Covenant. Is it an object, hidden somewhere? Is it lost? No. The Arc of Covenant is within you. It is the light and enlightenment. There are many other hidden words within Tarot, and that was the reason to forbid it. It contains the ancient secrets the Phoenicians left for you to discover.