To become a proficient tarot reader, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic meanings of each card. However, this is only the first step in your journey. As you progress, you will discover that there are deeper layers of meaning behind every card, depending on the context, the question, and your intuition. Learning these nuances will enrich your readings and help you gain more insight and clarity.




The Zigeuner Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight into your life and the challenges you face. It consists of 36 cards, each with a unique meaning and symbolism. The cards can be read in different ways, depending on how they are laid out in a spread. The position of a card in the spread affects how it is interpreted, as it reveals the context and the relationship to other cards. For example, a card in the past position may indicate the origin of a situation, while a card in the future position may show the possible outcome or direction. A card in the present position may reflect the current state of affairs or your attitude towards it. A card in the advice position may offer guidance or suggestions on how to deal with the situation. A card in the outcome position may reveal the final result or the consequences of your actions.


Details of Pdf eBook.

The Zigeuner Tarot Reading is a Pdf eBook, 150 pages, A4, 5.24 MB Pdf publication. The book explaining each 36 Card's image meaning and reverse meaning.

The Gypsy Tarot digital eBook is in pdf publication. Beginners guide to Gypsy Tarot Readings blog. >>

The Visitor Card in a relationship and love.


Monday, June 17, 2019

The Meaning of Visit with Zigeuner Tarot.

The Visit card represents purity, virtue, love, faithfulness, and care. The card speaks of spiritual happiness rather than an earthy, physical one. The Visitor is a portrayal of finding the right path, showing, pointing out, and seeing, which refers to the spirit, to the universal soul, who is asking permission to enter, to unite, creating a trinity within the spaces in your house. The Visit card is a symbol of spiritual connection, purity, and guidance. It shows that you have a divine helper who is ready to assist you in your journey of love and life. The Visitor is the one who knocks on your door, asking for your permission to enter and bless you with his presence. He is the link between you and the universal soul, the source of all love and wisdom. He wants to help you find your true path.

How do you read the Visitor card if you asked a question about Love?

A spiritual relationship is when the couple experiences harmony, understanding, and peace. Emotions come deep from within the heart, physically and mentally. This relationship can be compared to having a soul mate, a direct access point for greater happiness. The spiritual relationship brings balance into a chaotic world. This person is more than just a partner, he or she is your other half. You have a deep understanding of each other, and you support each other's growth and happiness. You have a harmonious and peaceful relationship that transcends the physical realm. You are connected on a soul level, and you can communicate without words. Spiritual love is the highest form of love, and it brings you closer to the divine. When life events take on greater significance, you can cope better with stress. Spiritual love can refer to love rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives. These spiritual loves can serve different purposes: Some are meant to walk with us through life, while others are meant to teach us lessons.

Why tarot was forbidden by the church? Because it contains ancient secrets, included in the Bible. What are they? For example, Solomon Temple is no other but the card of the House, and the House is representing you. The other secret is the Arc of Covenant. Is it an object, hidden somewhere? Is it lost? No. The Arc of Covenant is within you. It is the light and enlightenment. There are many other hidden words within Tarot, and that was the reason to forbid it. It contains the ancient secrets the Phoenicians left for you to discover.